You've found the best kept secret of award-winning authors, Fortune 500 industry leaders, transformative voices disrupting the norm, and countless creatives short on time.
Named one of the top ghostwriting sites in the world, digital media ghosts have penned pieces for everyone from presidential advisors to that person down the street. You've seen us in top-tier publications, on a number of best seller lists and everywhere online.
And we're the ghosts behind the posts on your favorite social site.
Led by the world's only Chief Ghost, we've been capturing expertise and ideas since 2009 to craft everything from compelling business content that moves markets to poignant memoirs that leave a legacy of everyday lives—and we help you get your writing in front of the right audiences.
We also teach aspiring ghostwriters how to hone their craft and win work from the countless companies and individuals eager to engage with talented writers.
Explore our highly recommended offerings below.
Named one of the top ghostwriting sites in the world, digital media ghosts have penned pieces for everyone from presidential advisors to that person down the street. You've seen us in top-tier publications, on a number of best seller lists and everywhere online.
And we're the ghosts behind the posts on your favorite social site.
Led by the world's only Chief Ghost, we've been capturing expertise and ideas since 2009 to craft everything from compelling business content that moves markets to poignant memoirs that leave a legacy of everyday lives—and we help you get your writing in front of the right audiences.
We also teach aspiring ghostwriters how to hone their craft and win work from the countless companies and individuals eager to engage with talented writers.
Explore our highly recommended offerings below.