Creating excellent websites and finding a quality hosting service are the fundamental requirements.Knowing what it means by quality hosting is crucial because it shows the way of choosing the correct host. Since high visibility is the top requirement, it becomes the most critical aspect of quality in hosting service. Any website owner would like to have zero downtime so that the website remains visible all through. Although it might sound too much for asking, it is possible to find a hosting service that meets this requirement provided you take a methodical approach. Read on to know the right steps that you should take. Only uptime and no downtime The hosting service provider has to ensure 99.9% uptime, which signifies that there will be no downtime at all. Any host capable of ensuring it is worth claiming high-quality hosting because the website remains accessible round the clock until you decide otherwise. There cannot be any compromise in asking for 100% uptime, as the service provider would assure the highest possible number that is closest to it. Since Google is continuously crawling websites, higher visibility increases the chances of better crawling that leads to better indexing and improved search rankings. If your website is out of view even for a second or two, it can have deeply negative consequences on SEO. Server location of the web host Knowing how search engines interact with the servers of the hosting service would give you a better understanding of what kind of server location would suit you. The physical location of the server or its IP address has an impact on search engines. In-country servers are most preferred because search engines would consider it a better resource for responding to searches quickly. Choosing a server located within your geographical limits would be to your advantage as it improves the page speed. The farther is the server located from the physical location of the target audience; slower could be its response time that affects the SEO prospects negatively. Server optimisation aspects Check if the hosting server is compatible with the CMS you use, whether it is WordPress or Joomla. It is necessary that the server is properly optimised for the CMS so that it can interact fast and reduce the response time that helps to speed up websites. Even if you optimise the website elements to ensure high page opening speed with on-page optimisation, whether you would enjoy that speed depends on how well the server supports it. Since the website speed is non-negotiable because the fate of SEO depends on it, you have to ensure that the server uses the right hardware and deploys the best Content Delivery Network (CDN). The server must backup your endeavours in the correct way to improve the outcome and not play spoilsport for the SEO campaign. Web security of the host The hosting service could become a gateway for hackers and other intrusive forces that could harm your website despite the best built-in security features that you might have provided. The host must have a robust security system in place that would protect your website from possible threats. Check with the hosting service the kind of security measures it adopts and judges its effectiveness before you commit to avail their services. It should not happen that your website suffers due to the vulnerability of the security system of the host which can become a huge set back in your SEO efforts. The quality of service support When the going is smooth, you are not much concerned, but the real test of the hosting service is when you are in some distress arising from it. Evaluate how good would be the technical support that you would receive from them that could help to recover from the set back at the earliest. The support should be able to give you the confidence of carrying on with the host instead of looking for a new host. When you tick all the right boxes, be happy that you are now ready to work with a hosting service that will work with you as a partner in your progress.
Author Bio:
Sujain Thomas is a data expert. She has been working with complex database architecture and big data analytics for almost eight years now. She has been helping many leading corporations optimize their customer service and product introductions as per big data analysis and predictive analysis.
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