Tips on growing your marketing team, keep your momentum and continue finding success.Yet, growing your team is different than simply hiring an employee for an existing position. Doing it the wrong way will not only set up your team for failure, but also show in your marketing efforts. Here are some tips on the best way to grow your marketing team so you can keep your momentum, and keep finding success. Start at the Top, Have the Right Management Before wildly hiring more copywriters or designers, you need to make sure you have the infrastructure in place ahead of time to support and lead them. Over-hiring without a good management team can result in poorly trained and ineffective workers. Look over your current growth needs, and compare it to your current management team’s capacity. If your current managers are as busy as can be, hiring more employees for them to manage would just set everybody up to fail. Your management system needs to be in place, with managers trained and ready to go before you grow the rest of your team. Hiring more general managers isn’t the only solution. Typically in an office, employee managers wear multiple hats, but specializing each manager can free up time and make them more effective. Instead of having each manager train and supervise employees, analyze performance, keep track of task management, and more, you can instead split up tasks for individual managers. If you only have one manager, that’ll mean another to split the work with, but specializing their focuses is a good way to help them become more effective. Now, another point to consider is higher up the management chain. Who is supervising the managers and making sure they are trained? If you are a smaller business or marketing firm, this could be the owner, somebody who already has too much to do. A marketing director, or similar level of position might be required to make sure the managers have the leadership they need. Identifying Exactly What You Need Don’t assume that just because you are becoming busier means you need to hire more of the same. Specializing your employees can do wonders to both how efficient they can be, and the quality of marketing they can put out. For example, let’s say currently your copywriters have to focus on both creating high quality content and doing SEO research/optimization. Let’s say 70 percent of their time is spent writing and 30 percent doing SEO. Instead of just hiring another copywriter doing the same work, you could hire an SEO profesional to take up all of the SEO work your copywriters normally do. That way, they can focus on just writing great content. If many employees have to wear multiple hats in your team, consider hiring in order to reduce the number of tasks your workers have. This could even lead to new departments being created in the long run as your continue to grow. Posting the Job Where The Right Candidates Are Even if you are in a desperate situation for bodies in chairs, hiring the right person for the job is essential to staying successful. Getting the wrong person on your team can create a burden for everybody else and drag down the whole team. So, work with your HR team to put job postings up where the ideal candidates are. Just tossing it up on Craigslist and hoping to get the best of the best just won’t work. Put postings up on the right sites for the job you want to hire for. Creatives will look for job postings differently than somebody with a data or analytical background. Then, don’t sit back and wait, do some head hunting. There are bound to be many local marketers who would love to get a new job but aren’t actively looking. Scope out who works for other marketing firms or do contract work and approach them to apply for the job. This will give you more control over the quality of candidates and make sure you hire a good fit. Solid Training Ready for New Hires You are setting up your employees to fail if you just toss them into the job and expect them to sink or swim. Before their first day, make sure you have the proper training and expectations set so it’s a smooth transition into the team. Make sure they know when they start what is expected of them, how much training they’ll receive, and what the immediate future holds for them. First, you need to understand what they already know and don’t, then make a plan to fill the gaps. You wouldn’t want to teach a 10 year SEO specialist the very basics of the industry, but they might need extra training in specifics your company specializes in. Similarly, if you are promoting an employee to management, they’ll need to training too. You want to develop them into leaders or else they won’t become effectives managers. That might mean teaching things like how to hold a performance review, fully understanding company policies, and how to quantify an employee’s work. Be Methodical in Your Hiring When it comes to adding people to your team, hiring people too fast leads to mistakes. It could lead to bringing on the wrong type of workers, not having enough time to train all of them, or even failing your current employees on their needs. Take your time hiring and do it right. That way, you’ll find better cohesion with your team and be able to lead them to becoming more effective and successful.
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