by Sam Khan | Guest Contributor | TECHNOLOGY
Can you think of a single business domain, which has not been influenced by technological evolution? Technology has completely redefined the ways teams and companies work, and the field of Project Management is no exception. Putting the thought into simpler words, technology has completely transformed conventional project management; as a now contemporary project management technique, tools and methodologies have been successfully implemented in businesses of all types and sizes.
by Sam Khan | Guest Contributor | TECHNOLOGY, DIGITAL MARKETING
According to International Data Center 2020, the IT industry is anticipated to earn over $4.8 trillion in revenues for the year 2021. The revenue projection is going higher and higher, since software development has become a business asset, and playing a crucial role for enterprises in innovation, evolution, and growth. Moreover, business enterprises have started to realize the importance of software development progressively after the pandemic hit the entire globe and every single business industry. After Covid-19, it has become very clear that only the companies with cutting-edge software technology are the ones that can survive the changing and challenging landscapes of the business world. From automation of tedious tasks to problem-solving, the business has now become all about technological advancement.
by Rahim Makhani | Guest Contributor | BUSINESS, TECHNOLOGY
In this digital and fast-growing world, cross-platform app development is the most popular trend amongst all the other trends. It is the most popular trend because there is just a single code base for Android and iOS platforms. This helps the developers to save time and their efforts to code for different platforms. React Native has already become a standard, but flutter is another thing that we need to know.
by Alex Cortez | Business, Technology
Some of the industries that will experience tremendous changes because of 3D printers. Photo by ZMorph All-in-One 3D Printers via Unsplash
Taking a good look around today, you will notice that nothing is the same anymore. A lot of things have changed for good. And others, not so much.
One of the technologies that has the potential to change the way we live and work has been 3D printers. These devices which first got introduced in 1983 have managed to affect the production of several important tools. Many industries have undergone a revolution since 3D printing was invented with only a few yet to feel the impact of this technology.
You may not be aware that connectivity is becoming a significant issue that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. As technology advances, the need for a better alternative means for connection is becoming an issue that we need to be concerned about. The online world is snowballing. The rapid growth in the number of end-users, developers, connected devices, and competing services and products all getting their fair share of digital real estate from the available technology provided by the limited radio frequency spectrum.
Photo by Lindsey LaMont on Unsplash
Online fraud occurs for a myriad of reasons, and every eCommerce player must enter the industry without the typical naiveté that cyberattacks happen only to the big companies. All eCommerce sellers are at risk and should have robust anti-fraud, anti-malware, and anti-data breach security measures as protection.
Scam artists use ingenious schemes that attack financial security for larger-than-life profits. It is why cybercrime has become a trillion-dollar industry. Millions of users are experiencing online fraud each year. Scam artists usually combine new technology with proven tricks to get people doing what they want, like luring people into sending their money, tricking people into giving their sensitive information or banking details.