by Will Viharo
Not anyone can write a book. But these days, anyone who's written a book can also publish that book, either via the traditional route, with an agent and/or established press, or more popularly, via various DIY platforms. You'll soon discover that writing the book was the easy part. Marketing it is the true challenge... are you ready?
by Lily Bradic
Your social media profiles aren’t all about you and your business. In Web 101, we talked about why you should be using each platform. Now, we’ll be discussing how — and content curation has a big part to play in that.
by Kim Niemi
Thanksgiving is a couple weeks away, and while retailers and shoppers alike are counting down the days left between now and Christmas, nonprofits are counting down to #GivingTuesday, the new global day of giving, started in 2012 as an antidote to the overblown commercialism of the holiday season – December 2 this year. #GivingTuesday isn’t just for nonprofits. Businesses can take part as well. But is attempting to gain favor through philanthropy missing the point?
by Geoff Gillette
Social media privacy is getting to be one of the main concerns raised by users. Either the social platform is hacked, third party apps screw up or (as is often the case) the company providing the social platform makes a change that creates a security issue. Such has been the case with Facebook, who has come under fire for the practice of changing how posts are seen and who can see them. In answer to these complaints, Facebook recently released Facebook Privacy Basics, a primer of sorts designed to enlighten the masses on how to lock down their privacy. Privacy settings? Bring ‘em on, right?
by Mary C Long
Entrepreneurs have been trying to “win friends and influence people” since (and before) Dale Carnegie's famous book was first published in 1936. Now, nearly a century later, a new generation of brand marketers are blazing new trails in social media, and you’ll want to know who they are if you want to be influential yourself!
by Olivia Collins
Most of my life has been dominated by social media and technology, and whether or not I like to admit, I’m dependent on it. Upon being asked if an older person has ever made a negative comment about my generation’s dependency on social media and technology to them, the majority of millennials would say yes. I’m pretty sure everyone has heard the “an old man said my generation is more dependent on technology than his, so I pulled the plug on his life support to prove him wrong” joke. The fact of the matter is our lives are somewhat dependent on it – but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.