by Mary C Long Did you hear about the festival of insults directed at Saudi’s King on Twitter? Well, even if you can’t read Arabic (Twitter will translate as best it can) – check THIS out.
by Will Viharo
Like it or not, CreateSpace has become the go-to resource for indie publishers, whether they’re individuals or collectives (small presses). This means their titles are POD (print on demand) and their books are available for purchase on Amazon and a few other distribution channels. They can even be made available to bookstores if you choose that option. And “options” are exactly what you’ll be faced with as soon as you get started. That’s a good thing. Just make sure you choose the right ones for you.
by Mary C Long
If you’re a teacher in New York City and you’re on Twitter, you may want to change the privacy settings on your Twitter account – or risk being penalized under the public school system’s newly released social media guidelines.
by Will Viharo
I often see posts on Facebook and elsewhere from new writers wondering “what to do” with their book now that they’ve finally completed it. Sure, the big dream is get an agent that starts a bidding war which results in a million-dollar contract with one of the “Big 5” New York publishers, which in turn starts another bidding war amongst the major Hollywood studios for the film rights (though you’d be okay with a cable TV series, too). So that might all happen. But it’s good to explore other options in case not all of those steps pan out…
by Mary C Long
Even if we’re loathe to admit that climate change is a thing, it makes sense for those who use the most energy to do what they can to keep their carbon footprint in check, which puts the medical industry right up near the top of the list. by Mary C Long
Privacy is a lost concept in today’s world. The vast array of “look at me now” options that are popping up are giving us all a taste for increasingly unfiltered immediacy and we are not giving a thought to the dangers of oversharing. Are you clear on these dangers? You need to be. by Cris Yeager Facebook's algorithm can be a tricky little beast to tame. Ever wonder why you have look up posts from pages you want news from? Yeah, THAT'S why. However, there are a few small tasks you can do to keep your favorite Facebook Page posts fresh in your view!
by Will Viharo
Increasingly, authors are marketing themselves as more than “just writers.” They’re also owners of small presses (which are essentially self-publishing collectives, since most issue print books that are POD via CreateSpace), musicians, actors, enterprising housewives, etc. Here is how I built my own platform, initially unrelated to my writing, from which I launched my own literary ambitions into orbit…
by Kim Niemi
Whether it’s the Patriot Act or creepy ads that pop up in your social feed after visiting a retail site, you don’t need the reminder you’re being watched all the time. Or do you? Sometimes tracking technology is pretty convenient to your life – and that’s the flip side you’re not considering. Here’s why you should.
by Will Viharo
“The King,” meaning Elvis Presley, would’ve turned 81 this Friday, January 8. Unless you’re a fan like me, that means absolutely nothing to you. After all, it’s David Bowie’s birthday, too. And he’s still with us. I dig Bowie, too. But he’s no Elvis. But even if you don’t like Elvis’s music (and who are you?), you have to admit he broke a lot of ground as a singer. He didn’t plan to become an immortal icon. It just happened via a combination of luck, timing…and design. Here’s how all this relates to you as a little ol’ writer in the 21st century… |